Korpusbasierte Entwicklung lexikalischer Wissensbasen
Corpus-based development of lexical
knowledge bases: the ELWIS
The ELWIS project ran from January 1992 to December 1994. It was
funded by the Land Baden-Württemberg within its
Forschungsschwerpunktprogramm. The main goal of the project was to
provide an infrastructure for corpus-based lexical studies and to set
up a database for the storage of lexical information.
Among the papers produced by the members of the project are the following:
Corpus-based development of lexicalknowledge bases: the ELWIS project
. Objectives, issues, and more
taken from the information sheet presented by Helmut Feldweg and
Angelika Storrer at the poster sesssion of the EURALEX'94 conference
in Amsterdam.
Zum Sprachgebrauch indeutschen Newsgruppen by Helmut Feldweg, Ralf Kibiger, and ChristineThielen
(published in Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie,
number 50, 1995, pages 143-154).
A Tagset
for German
of Tagset (WARNING: This
version might be obsolete --- for the latest version see the complete
text ''A Tagset for German''!)
of Closed Class Words in Tagset
. The final
report of the project presented to its funding agency.
After the end of the project, the ELWIS Tagset was revised in a joint
action with the Institut für maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung of
the University of Stuttgart. The result is the
Tagset (STTS)
, which has been proposed as the standard tagset for
German within the EAGLES project.
Helmut Feldweg